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Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from Zen321 :Hey tough guy, seems that you want to be aggressive. As far as I remember my state of mind when writing my post, I didn't write anything offensive or to piss you off, so calm down or take your aggro elsewhere.
I was giving you advices that could make the feeling more realistic for you. Realism is a question of perception, and I wanted to offer you diverse elements that could (again) give you another point of you.

Of course, the hardtracks setups are not good. And they are also nothing like the settings you'd get when you purchase a car. Try to spin on Bob's Road going pack not on purpose, because it is really hard unless you steer like a brute. Those setups will give you the feeling of the brand new car you just bought. And they are not suited for racing neither. There are no cars that are optimally good when you purchase/build them. It takes time to fine tune them, as well as fine tuning your handling of them. No car will give you a uber-power-super-dupah-powerpuffy-good laptime in an instant.

And how the f*** can you spin at a 80km/h curve ? Well, if your driving is as gentle as your speaking, it gives me a hunch about why (<-- now that was offensive perhaps, I don't know, maybe it's sarcasm ?). Your latino/italian bloodline has nothing to do with your temperaments. I know a lot of Italians and Latinos that are very smooth, while some people form the UK can be very aggressive. I'm sure that if I check my bloodline, I can find people in the Middle East or perhaps even India if I go back several centuries. But nobody gives a **** here.

Agressive? No, I'm not agressive, I just say things that sounds like, but you look to be very nervous now. I couldn't be agressive here as I can, but have sure, I didn't want, neither intent to be. You take the things too much basic, even this "blood" thing. Forget. I'll not try to explain, and this talk sounds weird. Lets stop here. Have a nice day, gentleman.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Man, after this thread I started dreaming about Radical in LFS.

That would be simply fantastic.

SCAWEN!! Any chance?

I just sent a email to them suggesting to talk with you
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from Gnomie :I prefer to be optimistic and think that the team has been focusing on the "under the hood" stuff such as physics instead of graphics. I can put up with really bad graphics if the physics are good!

I understand, but don't agree 100%. By myself I think the whole thing is important, because everything is part of the simulation, not just physics.

I think rF2 will bring some physics improvements, a better UI, maybe a better force feedback, based on Real Feel Plugin experience, and maybe some little improvements on the lighting.

Today my hopes lie in the NFS-Shift from EA and F1-2009 from CM, although they are hopes somewhat modest. These two have not, traditionally, a correct understanding of what a simulator is.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :Well this is new news to me... Rfactor 2.
I guess alot of you already know about it though...

Yeap, I've seen this last week, and I swear I really didn't like what I see.
I just see more from the same things. Same visuals, same lights, same shadows.
By these graphics preview, we can assume that the physics and other thing will not suffer big updates...
But lets wait and see.
When gMotor2 come out, it was not too much different from gMotor1, but Gjon said that it would be. So, I think the unique way to know somehthing is the old and good way: wait.
But at least one thing is right: it comes before S3
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from Zen321 :Can you please explain? I may have missed a few posts of yours but I don't understand what part of driving the XRG makes you think it is not realistic?

I mean, I never found anything that made it appear to me as unrealistic. A relatively light RWD, with shitty tires and if you don't drive it properly it's mega understeer in entries and spin in exits.
Have you tried it on supers? (with the slicktires mod) If not, try it, and so that you will have a comparison with others cars that have supers and that you consider realistic

Also, I think it is a matter of setups as well. I used to race with a quite stiff setup, and now that I lowered some values it definitely improved the overall available traction. It is just that when you get a setup from someone, they are usually way too stiff/extreme, and since you don't have any other comparison (because every one uses similar setups), you usually tend to think that it isn't realistic at all.

For instance, I tried to modify the homemade XRT set I use for racing, because I wasn't satisfied with its behavior. I lowered the suspension frequency to around 2.18Hz (60 rear - 58 front), and it really feels like a real race car, at the same time having good all around traction. I can get pretty decent times with it (I can make several laps at 101%-2.5s of the WR on KY3/KY3R which is very good to my standards since I drive on a freaking touchpad since september ).

Now, 60-58 are values that may appear very low compared to the LFS standards, but that are the values that are used in RL racing. You might want to try something similar on the XRG (I'd think that 70R-66F would work according to the lighter weight of the car and the different mass repartition), because I think it will help you find the realism in that car

When I wrote "hate" don't get that so basic. I'm latino, with italian blood, I have my passional manners to treat things, ok?
XRG is a piece of crap IMHO. Just said that, I really can't figure where in my life I would be crazy to drive a shi.. like that with my family inside.
The car is just horrible, and since 2004 I've tried it and never see it as barely realistic.
Yes, I've drove RDW with medium HP and that is not near to that "thing".
Setup? Well, I'm one who many times say this same bs for the others, but I really can't image where in the world you go to a shop and buy a car where you need to send directly to your mechanic to adjust everything just to assure you will not spin out the track when doing a 80 kmh curve.
This car is just horrible, doesn't feel like real, and yes, you can get used to it, but that doesn't mean that its is realistic, but only that you get used.
Any simulator in the market has some great cars and some craps, except NKP that has just 3 types of OW cars and nothing more to compare (at least until next patch, then it will be another history).
I like LFS, don't think I'm bashing the game. I just hate this car, and I don't know where people feel it realistic. Sorry.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from titanLS :That's the thing, it doesn't happen in LFS, for me, at all. Sure, turn TC off and gas it a little and the rear comes around quite easily, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about totally off throttle at ridiculously slow speeds. ...

So, when I stay away from LFS for months, as I did recently, and come back, I also feel really difficult to realize what is happening, even with slower cars.

It is just a matter of use. Use it more and you'll get used to it.

I love GTL and use to play every week, and I know if any regular LFS player that is not used to it will find hard to drive Cobra or Corvette.

I hate XRG, I can't find a way to feel it realistc, and I don't think that is a problem for you, so, as said before, I insist that is just a matter of use.

Best regards
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from BOSCHO :very clever

Bah, I think LFS was made to be a RACING simulator, and DRIF, CRUISE, DRAG and DERBY are definitely not racing.

Motor sport?

Well, I don't see Drift as sport, but circus show. Clowns and jugglers are not seen as sportmen.

Drag? No comments.

Cruise? better to play TDU.

Derby? Go play Flatout or Burnout.

Racing? Well, I think is that what it is:
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from titanLS :...I just can't comprehend a Formula 1 car loosing traction so easily, especially with no throttle input at such low speeds. ...

Sorry mate, but this happens with LFS F1 too, and look this, we are talking about a high power car.

What do you say about loosing traction with a XRG?

I true believe that this difficult that you are facing with rFactor is just a matter of training.

Maybe you have been on LFS for many time, but have you tried F1 in LFS without traction control?

Man, we are talking about F1. Why that should be easy?

Physics, FOV and Forcefeedback are different between rF and LFS, so, slow down, take easy
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from durbster :You do have to get used to LFS and rFactor but I think that's because of their flaws rather than realism. Very odd things happen in both of them that you simply have to learn to drive around, particularly in LFS (and especially with the RAC! ).

nkPro and iRacing don't really have this - once configued they seem about right pretty much straight away. There are far fewer surprises in them. My first few laps in LFS after a long break always consist of comical oversteering and counter-steering, which seems totally at odds with reality.

Yes, you are right.
There are flaws in them both, but with adequated setup the things go better.
RAC can't be like that IRL. If so, its producers are killers, not engineers

But once you get used to it again, its driving is very pleasant
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from W1ldPort75 :I play GTR Evo once in awhile , and the only car that i really like is the Radical , that would be imo a great car for LFS

Sure, and it will be fun to compare EVO, iRacing and LFS Radicals.
This car is really nice, great choice.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from titanLS :Speaking of rFactor... on a whim I grabbed the CTDP F1 2005 mod today, seeing how it's right at the top of the Hall of Fame mod list.

I spent a good 30 minutes spinning out off throttle at 25mph. Totally unplayable. I'm not giving up that easily, but mods like the 'Vette work right out of the box. No ridiculous 10 degrees of slip and then you're in the wall business...

Like said above, need to get used. LFS is not easy too, and I really can't imagine a car like XRG in the real life, or I can't believe RAC behaves like that IRL too. But once you get used to them, they started to feel real, in some way.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from pb32000 :It just takes time to get used to I think. I've been playing rFactor in the evenings a bit lately and can now catch and hold or correct a slide without fuss, although it's true it isn't as easy as in LFS.

LFS is not easy. You need to get used too and takes some days.

Get people that has never played with simulators before, like I did many times, put them seated on your cockpit and let them play with GTR, LFS, rFactor...

But be gentle... don't give them XRG in the begin.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Just took the Caterham 320 round the 'Ring on GTR Evo, and yeah. The age old problem with the "have a small slide and then instantly crash" is the only problem.

Try to install Real Feel Plugin to have better feedback from what is going on track. Caterham is one of the best mods and match perfectly with RFP.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from tenmantaylor :Ive just started driving rFactor for the CTDP mod in which Ill be driving in the FSR championships this year.

Have to say, compared to LFS, Im very disappointed at the online pickup race situation. There is way too much diversity in terms of different versions of the same track, different versions of the same series (ive seen numerous F1 mods). I havnt yet managed to find an online pickup race for the supposed best mod (CTDP) which im massively disapointed with.

LFS is way better on the pickup online race front.

You can find servers with not much difficult if you go fo rfactorcentral, and dl some the cars and traks from hall of fame.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed

lock it. FFS mods please just lock the damn thread. There is NOTHING here that hasn't been gone over 100 times before. This thread will change nothing.

+1 for lock

Have you forgotten to take your pills today? God...
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Bah... combos? Who drives MRT at KY Long or F1 at AS Club?

Lets talk serious. We have 6 tracks, 20 cars, not all of them really enjoyable, and that has been since 2005. Fours years in june.


We are talking a multiplayer game, where there is no sense in have combos that nobody plays.

I see Cone Dodgers with its ethernal GTR at As, Redline with its ethernal FOX at BL, and 6 more servers with XFG at BL and UF1 or FOX at SO.

The rest is all drift and cruise.

I want my 2005 euphoria back. Am I asking for too much?

I think it is not yet the time for mods. But when S3 goes gold, why not? That will be the way to keep the game alive for more 10 years, because I believe that this is game is not dead yeat because it has this aura of WIP game. If it was a finished one, I true believe that, closed as it is today, it would be fading to death.
Last edited by Speed Soro, .
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
That is a great look!
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Gillete Vertigo
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from X-Ter :Yes you did, just look at the your previous post. Frankly the entire "my sim is better than yours" is getting sad and old and outdated. Everything has been said in that debate and nothing new will come of it, which makes bumping this old thread a very useless and childish act.

You are just right, and you could even say that it has always been like this, since the first discussion around sim1 x sim2.

I think rFactor and LFS are great simulators, each one with its own features, particularities and advantages, and fit with diverses preferences.

By my side I prefer do not take so serious and closed to just one.

LFS is great, rFactor is great, both teams deserves respect for their work, and I'll again support both when S3 and rF2 come out.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Sorry mate, but I think you are getting examples that are a problem for you, but not for all.

I have never had problem with DL, Install, Activation of rFactor. Never.

It was always simple as LFS.

I have had problems with my wheels in LFS, and have never had with rFactor.

In LFS suddenly I have no more Force Feedback, and the unique way I could retrieve it was coping an old control folder from another instalation to the new.

I have issues with scripts too. I agree that is easier just get in a car and the controls are ready for that car, but I don't see it as big advantage.

Sometimes I want to drive a formula with H-shift, and I can't, except if I go to the notepad and change the script.

It would be much better if I could save my control configurations (just 2 or 3 in fact), and chose the one I want when I want.

You think it is not good, I think it is. Do you see? It is a point of view.

I play with rFactor with my 22" lcd and have no problem> It is set to 1680 x 1050. What version is yours?

The unique 2 things I really prefer LFS instead rF are the Force Feedback and the amazing interface.

In fact, force feedback is something that, with the right mod and Real Feel Plugin, I have nothing to complain.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from Khann :I just want to say one thing:

Since when have mods killed rFactor?

or GPL...

or Nascar 2003...

or F1 2000...

or Operation Flashpoint...

or Quake...


great point. You win.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
I think that in a plane, it spends more time to change the direction of the forces of inertia, than a car. Because that I think is easier to built a motion cockpit for Flight Simulator than LFS, even why there is no bump on a plane (in fact there is, but you can dismiss, while in a car it is present all the time).
Even in the fighters, in maneuvers of avoidance, the time to change the direction of a plane, are much larger than the time a car spends to make a closed curve, I think.
What I call a transition, is the slope of the rising curve of acceleration, either lateral or longitudinal.
For example, imagine at the end of a straight, with zero lateral and longitudinal accelerations.
You brake suddenly, and longitudinal acceleration rises almost instantaneously to its maximum value, generating a maximum force of inertia, and then begins to decrease slowly, until the turning point of the curve, then when you release the brake.
At that point you start to curve. The lateral acceleration rises from zero to its maximum value virtually instantaneous. If you maintain a constant speed throughout the trajectory of the curve, the centripetal acceleration will be constant until, at the end of the curve, slowly declined to zero, with the return of the steering wheel to the center.
The point where the accelerations range from zero to its maximum value is where I'm focusing on.
It is to meet the transition between 0 and maximum that I proposed a linear system. I believe that this linear system can be short and works well, because the ramp would be given to increase the acceleration curve, not the complete curve.
What David said is a system composed of a platform Stweart and a mobile base, and the platform would be responsible only for the inclination of the vehicle and bump. But this is not my idea. Again, the linear system would be responsible only for the ramp, just the part that gives the kick.
In parallel with this linear motion, the platform should be inclined, as with any FD does today, adding the inertia effects. Upon completion of the course line, the inclination to keep "weight", thus giving the impression of being in the middle of the curve.
Even being in the middle of the curve, while the inclination is maintained, the linear system must be slowly returning to the center, so that when the ramp goes back to be flat, the linear base is again in its central position.
The superposition of effects, of course will ask a fairly complex algorithm.
This is the kind of work for a company with enough know-how, as the Force Dynamics, not me.
I have the concept, but not the mathmatical knowlegde and the money to the develop something like this.
Last edited by Speed Soro, .
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Of course I know, and it is better do not discourse about here.
But drif, cruise, derby and other "kids stuff" are contributing too.
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
Quote from NightShift :

Could you please explain what did you mean? I really didn't understand your intentions
Speed Soro
S3 licensed
sure it will cost much more!

It looks to be consensus that the centre of spin must be near the chest to the neck, for minimize the perception of rolling and gives some balance between the displacement of your head and your legs.

I'm thinking in a system with a two circular rails crossed under the seat, each one with its own guides and a sector of gear with the same centre of the circular rails.

A little spur gear, actioned by a AC motor, rotates the big sector and controls the inclination.

As soon as we have a drawing I'll put it here for you figure the idea. I think this is not a original idea, but I can't find a video or photo with it in the Internet.